
Details of Indian Rice Varieties

Rice breeding programme in India was started by Dr. G. P. Hector, the then Economic Botanist during 1911 in undivided Bengal with headquarters at Dacca (now in Bangladesh). Subsequently, in 1912, a crop specialist was appointed exclusively for rice in Madras Province. Prior to the establishment of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1929, Bengal and Madras were the only provinces which had specialist exclusively for rice crop. After the establishment of ICAR, it initiated rice research projects in various states of the country and by 1950, 82 research stations in 14 states of the country were established, fully devoted for rice research projects. These research stations, mainly by the pure line method of selection, released 445 improved varieties. These varieties were of various kind such as -

1. Earliness
2. Deep water and flood resistant
3. Lodging resistant
4. Drought resistant
5. Non-shredding of grains
6. Dormancy of seed
7. Control of wild rice
8. Disease resistant
9. Higher response to heavy mannuring.

Thus, during the pure line period of selection from 1911-1949, the advantage of natural selection have been fully exploited and there have been varieties available for every rice ecology. During the early period of breeding research programme, varieties were developed suitable for specific stress situation or for resistant to particular disease. When, after World War II, synthetic fertilizers became popular, efforts were made to identify varieties which respond to heavy fertilization.

After the establishment of the Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) at Cuttak in 1946 by the Govt. of India, rice research and training received an added impetus. There had been a systematic screening of exotic types from the genetic stocks. Besides, for the purpose of direct introduction in the country, many Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Russian types were also tested. The Chinese types, which were first, prior to 1947, tested in Kashmir Valley, found fairly successful and the Japanese and Russian types were found unsuitable under Indian conditions due to poor yield, unacceptable grain qualities and susceptibility to blast.

Inter-racial hybridization programme between japonicas and indicas was initiated during 1950-54. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with a view of improving production of cereal on an international basis after the end of World-War II, launched a collaborative project japonica X indica hybridization in South-East Asian countries. The object of these project was to transfer the high yielding capacity and response to use higher dose of fertilizers into local indica varieties from japonica varieties. Indica varieties were already well adapted to the local conditions and had tolerance to diseases and pests of the region. A parallel project of japonica X indica hybridization was also started by ICAR with the same objectives. These projects could achieve very limited success. Only four varieties, viz. - Malinja and Mashuri in Malaysia, ADT-27 in Tamil Nadu, India and Circna in Australia were released from more than 700 hybrid combinations.

The almond tree resembles peach

which it is closely related. It grows to 25 feet, but under cultivation is usually held to under 20 feet by pruning. The leaves are simple, lanceolate and glabrous. The nuts are enclosed in a fleshy husk which becomes dry and fibrous and splits open allowing the nuts to drop out or be easily separated at maturity. The shell is porous to woody, and encloses the oblong, flattened kernel. The latter is up to over an inch long and half as wide. Almonds are marketed both in the shell and as shelled kernels.

Akarkara (Spilanthes acmella Murr.)

Characters Spilanthes acmella syn. S. paniculata Spilanthes calva
Plant Annual erect or ascending stout herbs, 20-50 cm high. Annual erect or ascending herbs, 15-40 cm high.
Leaves Opposite, petiolate, broadly ovate, narrowed at base, acute or obtuse at apex. opposite, petioled, ovate, acute, subcrenate at margins.
Heads In axillary and terminal panicles; Involucral bracts 2-seriate; Ray florets few, in conspicuous; Disc florets companulate, Achenes dorsally compressed, black. Ovoid, usually solitary; Involucral bracts ovate, acute; Ray florets absent; Disc-florets yellow; Achenes dark brown.
Flowering and Fruits March-April. November to December.

POMEGRANATE Punica granatum L. Cultivation

An attractive shrub or small tree, to 20 or 30 ft (6 or 10 m) high, the pomegranate is much-branched, more or less spiny, and extremely long-lived, some specimens at Versailles known to have survived two centuries. It has a strong tendency to sucker from the base. The leaves are evergreen or deciduous, opposite or in whorls of 5 or 6, short-stemmed, oblong-lanceolate, 3/8 to 4 in (1-10 cm) long, leathery. Showy flowers are home on the branch tips singly or as many as 5 in a cluster. They are 1 1/4 in (3 cm) wide and characterized by the thick, tubular, red calyx having 5 to 8 fleshy, pointed sepals forming a vase from which emerge the 3 to 7 crinkled, red, white or variegated petals enclosing the numerous stamens. Nearly round, but crowned at the base by the prominent calyx, the fruit, 2 1/2 to 5 in (6.25-12.5 cm) wide, has a tough, leathery skin or rind, basically yellow more or less overlaid with light or deep pink or rich red. The interior is separated by membranous walls and white spongy tissue (rag) into compartments packed with transparent sacs filled with tart, flavorful, fleshy, juicy, red, pink or whitish pulp (technically the aril). In each sac, there is one white or red, angular, soft or hard seed. The seeds represent about 52% of the weight of the whole fruit.


There is little information available on the types grown in the Near East, except that the cultivars 'Ahmar', 'Aswad', 'Halwa' are important in Iraq, and 'Mangulati' in Saudi Arabia. 'Wonderful' and 'Red Loufani' are often grown in the Jewish sector of Israel, while the sweeter, less tangy 'Malissi' and 'Ras el Baghl', are favored in the Arab sector.

In India there are several named cultivars. Preference is usually given those with fleshy, juicy pulp around the seeds. Types with relatively soft seeds are often classed as "seedless". Among the best are 'Bedana' and 'Kandhari'. 'Bedana' is medium to large, with brownish or whitish rind, pulp pinkish-white, sweet, seeds soft. 'Kandhari' is large, deep-red, with deep-pink or blood-red, subacid pulp and hard seeds. Others include:

'Alandi' ('Vadki')–medium-sized, with fleshy red or pink, subacid pulp, very hard seeds.

'Dholka'–large, yellow-red, with patches of dark-pink and purple at base, or all-over greenish-white; thick rind, fleshy, purplish-white or white, sweet, pulp; hard seeds. The plant is evergreen, non-suckering, desirable for commercial purposes in Delhi.

'Kabul'–large, with dark-red and pale-yellow rind; fleshy, dark-red, sweet, slightly bitter pulp.

'Muscat Red'–small to medium, with thin or fairly thick rind, fleshy, juicy, medium-sweet pulp, soft or medium-hard seeds. The plant is a moderately prolific bearer.

'Paper Shell'–round, medium to large, pale-yellow blushed with pink; with very thin rind, fleshy, reddish or pink, sweet, very juicy pulp and soft seeds. Bears heavily.

'Poona'–large, with dark-red, gray or grayish-green rind, sometimes spotted, and orange-red or pink-and-red pulp.

'Spanish Ruby'–round, small to medium or large; bright-red, with thin rind, fleshy, rose-colored, sweet, aromatic pulp, and small to medium, fairly soft seeds. Considered medium in quality.

'Vellodu'–medium to large, with medium-thick rind, fleshy, juicy pulp and medium-hard seeds.

'Muscat White'–large, creamy-white tinged with pink; thin rind; fleshy, cream-colored, sweet pulp; seeds medium-hard. Bears well. Desirable for commercial planting in Delhi.

'Wonderful'–originated as a cutting in Florida and propagated in California in 1896. The fruit is oblate, very large, dark purple-red, with medium-thick rind; deep-red, juicy, winey pulp; medium-hard seeds. Plant is vigorous and productive.

In California, 'Spanish Ruby' and 'Sweet Fruited' were the leading cultivars in the past century, but were superseded by 'Wonderful'. In recent years 'Wonderful' is losing ground to the more colorful 'Grenada'.

Mexicans take especial pride in the pomegranates of Tehuacan, Puebla. Many cultivars are grown, including 'Granada de China' and 'Granada Agria'.

The Japanese dwarf pomegranate, P. granatum var. nana, is especially hardy and widely grown as an ornamental in pots. The flowers are scarlet, the fruit only 2 in (5 cm) wide but borne abundantly. Among other ornamental cultivars are 'Multiplex' with double, creamy white blooms; 'Chico', double, orange-red; 'Pleniflora', double, red; 'Rubra Plena', double, red; 'Mme. Legrelle' and 'Variegata', double, scarlet bordered and streaked with yellowish-white.


The pomegranate is both self-pollinated and cross-pollinated by insects. There is very little wind dispersal of pollen. Self-pollination of bagged flowers has resulted in 45% fruit set. Cross-pollination has increased yield to 68%. In hermaphrodite flowers, 6 to 20% of the pollen may be infertile; in male, 14 to 28%. The size and fertility of the pollen vary with the cultivar and season.


The species is primarily mild-temperate to subtropical and naturally adapted to regions with cool winters and hot summers, but certain types are grown in home dooryards in tropical areas, such as various islands of the Bahamas and West Indies. In southern Florida, fruit development is enhanced after a cold winter. Elsewhere in the United States, the pomegranate can be grown outdoors as far north as Washington County, Utah, and Washington, D.C., though it doesn't fruit in the latter locations. It can be severely injured by temperatures below 12º F (-11.11º C). The plant favors a semi-arid climate and is extremely drought -tolerant.


The pomegranate thrives on calcareous, alkaline soil and on deep, acidic loam and a wide range of soils in between these extremes. In northern India, it is spontaneous on rockstrewn gravel.


Pomegranate seeds germinate readily even when merely thrown onto the surface of loose soil and the seedlings spring up with vigor. However, to avoid seedling variation, selected cultivars are usually reproduced by means of hardwood cuttings 10 to 20 in (25-50 cm) long. Treatment with 50 ppm. indole-butyric acid and planting at a moisture level of 15.95% greatly enhances root development and survival. The cuttings are set in beds with 1 or 2 buds above the soil for 1 year, and then transplanted to the field. Grafting has never been successful but branches may be air-layered and suckers from a parent plant can be taken up and transplanted.


Rooted cuttings or seedlings are set out in pre-fertilized pits 2 ft (60 cm) deep and wide and are spaced 12 to 18 ft (3.5-5.5 m) apart, depending on the fertility of the soil. Initially, the plants are cut back to 24 to 30 in (60-75 cm) in height and after they branch out the lower branches are pruned to provide a clear main stem. Inasmuch as fruits are borne only at the tips of new growth, it is recommended that, for the first 3 years, the branches be judiciously shortened annually to encourage the maximum number of new shoots on all sides, prevent straggly development, and achieve a strong, well-framed plant. After the 3rd year, only suckers and dead branches are removed.

For good fruit production, the plant must be irrigated. In Israel, brackish water is utilized with no adverse effect. In California, irrigation water is supplied by overhead sprinklers which also provide frost protection during cold spells. The pomegranate may begin to bear in 1 year after planting out, but 2 1/2 to 3 years is more common.

Harvesting and Yield

The fruits ripen 6 to 7 months after flowering. In Israel, cultivar 'Wonderful' is deemed ready for harvest when the soluble solids (SSC) reach 15%. In California, maturity has been equated with 1.8% titratable acidity (TA) and SSC of 17% or more. The fruit cannot be ripened off the tree even with ethylene treatment. Growers generally consider the fruit ready for harvest if it makes a metallic sound when tapped. The fruit must be picked before over maturity when it tends to crack open if rained upon or under certain conditions of atmospheric humidity, dehydration by winds, or insufficient irrigation. Of course, one might assume that ultimate splitting is the natural means of seed release and dispersal.

The fruits should not be pulled off but clipped close to the base so as to leave no stem to cause damage in handling and shipping. Appearance is important, especially in the United States where pomegranates may be purchased primarily to enhance table arrangements and other fall (harvest-time) decorations. Too much sun exposure causes sunscald–brown, russeted blemishes and roughening of the rind.

The fruit ships well, cushioned with paper or straw, in wooden crates or, for nearby markets, in baskets. Commercial California growers grade the fruits into 8 sizes, pack in layers, unwrapped but topped with shredded plastic, in covered wood boxes, precool rapidly, and ship in refrigerated trucks.

Keeping Quality and Storage

The pomegranate is equal to the apple in having a long storage life. It is best maintained at a temperature of 32º to 41º F (0º-5º C). The fruits improve in storage, become juicier and more flavorful; may be kept for a period of 7 months within this temperature range and at 80 to 85% relative humidity, without shrinking or spoiling. At 95% relative humidity, the fruit can be kept only 2 months at 41º F (5º C); for longer periods at 50º F (10º C). After prolonged storage, internal breakdown is evidenced by faded, streaky pulp of flat flavor. 'Wonderful' pomegranates, stored in Israel for Christmas shipment to Europe, are subject to superficial browning ("husk scald"). Control has been achieved by delaying harvest and storing in 2% O2 at 35.6º F (2º C). Subsequent transfer to 68º F (20º C) dispels off-flavor from ethanol accumulation.

Pests and Diseases

The pomegranate butterfly, Virachola isocrates, lays eggs on flower-buds and the calyx of developing fruits; in a few days the caterpillars enter the fruit by way of the calyx. These fruit borers may cause loss of an entire crop unless the flowers are sprayed 2 times 30 days apart. A stem borer sometimes makes holes right through the branches. Twig dieback may be caused by either Pleuroplaconema or Ceuthospora Phyllosticta. Discoloration of fruits and seeds results from infestation by Aspergillus castaneus. The fruits may be sometimes disfigured by Sphaceloma punicae. Dry rot from Phomopsis sp. or Zythia versoniana may destroy as much as 80% of the crop unless these organisms are controlled by appropriate spraying measures. Excessive rain during the ripening season may induce soft rot. A post-harvest rot caused by Alternaria solani was observed in India in 1974. It is particularly prevalent in cracked fruits.

Minor problems are leaf and fruit spot caused by Cercospora, Gloeosporium and Pestalotia sp.; also foliar damage by whitefly, thrips, mealybugs and scale insects; and defoliation by Euproctis spp. and Archyophora dentula. Termites may infest the trunk. In India, paper or plastic bags or other covers may be put over the fruits to protect them from borers, birds, bats and squirrels.

Food Uses

For enjoying out-of-hand or at the table, the fruit is deeply scored several times vertically and then broken apart; then the clusters of juice sacs can be lifted out of the rind and eaten. Italians and other pomegranate fanciers consider this not a laborious handicap but a social, family or group activity, prolonging the pleasure of dining.

In some countries, such as Iran, the juice is a very popular beverage. Most simply, the juice sacs are removed from the fruit and put through a basket press. Otherwise, the fruits are quartered and crushed, or the whole fruits may be pressed and the juice strained out. In Iran, the cut-open fruits may be stomped by a person wearing special shoes in a clay tub and the juice runs through outlets into clay troughs. Hydraulic extraction of juice should be at a pressure of less than 100 psi to avoid undue yield of tannin. The juice from crushed whole fruits contains excess tannin from the rind (as much as .175%) and this is precipitated out by a gelatin process. After filtering, the juice may be preserved by adding sodium benzoate or it may be pasteurized for 30 minutes, allowed to settle for 2 days, then strained and bottled. For beverage purposes, it is usually sweetened. Housewives in South Carolina make pomegranate jelly by adding 7 1/2 cups of sugar and 1 bottle of liquid pectin for every 4 cups of juice. In Saudi Arabia, the juice sacs may be frozen intact or the extracted juice may be concentrated and frozen, for future use. Pomegranate juice is widely made into grenadine for use in mixed drinks. In the Asiatic countries it may be made into a thick sirup for use as a sauce. It is also often converted into wine.

Vyas committee report

Another recent report is on “Flow of Credit to Agriculture and Related Activities from the Banking System.” It suggests a two-stage reorganization of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) to consolidate their functioning. This will help them scale up their operations, utilize manpower optimally, have greater autonomy and infuse professionalism while retaining their rural focus.

Insurance schemes for farmer’s problem

The farmer’s problem is rooted in his exposure to risk – yield as well as price shocks. Insurance schemes may be devised to mitigate these. This can be done in three possible ways. Credit insurance can look into the credit default. A fund with contribution from the creditor, the debtor and the Government may be created for this. Appropriate mechanisms to look into its modus operandi should be devised. Crop insurance will be linked with yield risk. Implementation of this should be village and if possible plot of land specific. Theft of crop and loss due to fire or other calamities should be taken into consideration while administering this. The earlier mentioned information bureau could also help in this endeavour. Income insurance will address the poor returns, particularly for marginal and small farmers and also tenants. The poor returns could be because of poor prices, low yields or high transaction costs arising out of low quantity of produce.

Farmers of Junagadh district in India's western state of Gujarat have incurred losses as heavy rains

"The first rainfall was good for the crop. We sprayed fertilisers in the field. We even took loans from the bank to grow crop but the rains ruined it completely. Now we are left with nothing, we are almost unemployed now," said Vinod Parmar, a farmer.
Now, the farmers are praying gods to be generous and further seek help from the government.
"In field cultivation, there are quite a lot of crops of groundnuts and sugarcane, which has damaged that, will have an effect on the farmers' income. Hopefully, if the rain gods are generous enough, they (farmers) might make good with the current season of the groundnuts. But what about the losses? I pray somebody takes care of that," said Jerey Fernandez, another farmer.
The monsoons this year have been particularly heavy across India, causing floods in many areas and devastation of property worth hundreds of millions of rupees.
India is basically an agriculture economy and about 600 million of the billion-plus population depends on agriculture for their livelihood

Water management Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) and the RIDF

In the selected districts where agriculture is largely rainfall dependent, strategies to increase irrigation potential (particularly, through watershed development), should be devised so as to provide scope to increase value addition. The Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme (MEGS), the National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) and the RIDF can be used for this. Expedite the completion of already initiated irrigation projects. For completed projects take measures that ensures utilization is up to potential, and there is better utilization of water through drip/sprinkler.

Distribution of Methods of Committing Suicides

Distribution of methods of committing suicide by sex across districts/divisions of Maharashta for 2001-4 is given in Table 3.1h in Annexure 5. The distribution for Maharashtra is as follows. For male suicide deaths: 34 per cent were by consuming insecticides, 8 per cent were by consuming other poison, 10 per cent were by drowning, 7 per cent were by self-immolation and the remaining 8 per cent were by other methods. For female suicide deaths, 30 per cent were by consuming insecticides, 8 per cent were by consuming other poison, 18 per cent were by hanging, 15 per cent were by drowning, 26 per cent were by self-immolation and the remaining 3 per cent were by other methods. This shows that across gender there are some differences.
The maximum proportion of suicide deaths are by insecticide consumption for both males and females. The second most common method was hanging by males whereas it was self-immolation by females. In fact, hanging by males has the maximum proportion in the divisions of Konkan and Pune and self-immolation by females has the maximum proportion in the divisions of Konkan, Nagpur and Pune. Across division, the proportion of suicide deaths by drowning is relatively much higher in Nagpur for both males and females. The involvement of females in household work brings them in close proximity to fire in the kitchen and the well for fetching water. Spur of the moment decisions might lead them to using these methods. Suicide death through burns and to some extent drowning could conceal homicide, which mostly arises out of domestic violence (see Kumar, 2003). Some of these are dowry deaths.25
In the selected districts of Washim and Yavatmal the proportion committing suicide by consuming insecticide is much higher than the state average: 59 per cent for males and 51 per cent for females in Washim and 76 per cent for males and 68 per cent for females in Yavatmal. In Wardha, the proportion committing suicide by consuming other poison (22 per cent for males and 23 per cent for females) is much higher than the state average and together with consumption of insecticide it accounts for 61 per cent of male and 53 per cent of female suicides.
Insecticide/pesticide is most commonly available in farming households (particularly, those cultivating Cotton). Thus, suicide deaths by consumption of insecticides would largely be individuals in these households. Spur of the moment decision will lead to use of this fatal method because of its easy availability. We have mentioned earlier that cotton cultivation uses nearly 90 per cent of the total pesticides used across five major crops in Maharashtra (section 2.4). Restrictions on its easy availability can help reduce incidences of suicide with such a fatal method. In this regard, important policy lessons can be taken from Sri Lanka’s experience (see references in Gunnell and Eddleston, 2003).

Education-wise and Marital Status wise Suicide Mortality Rates in Maharashtra

Education wise and marital status wise average SMRs per annum across districts/divisions by sex in Mahrarashtra for the period 2001-4 are given in Table 3.1e and 3.1f in Annexure 5. Education wise SMRs in Maharashtra are as follows. For males it is 8.4 for ‘no education’, 28.9 for primary education completed, 42.7 for middle school completed, 31.5 for matriculates and 11.1 for higher secondary and above whereas for females it is 4.7 for ‘no education’, 17.6 for primary education completed, 31.9 for middle school completed, 23.7 for matriculates and 8.2 for higher secondary and above.
The patterns are similar in the divisions indicating that the peak SMR is among the middle school education category. The exception is maximum SMR for matriculates among education group in Amravati division for both males and females. In the selected districts, including Washim and Yavatmal from Amravati division, the pattern is similar to that for Maharashtra. This is so because in Akola, Amravati and Buldhana districts SMR is the highest for matriculates across education groups. In all the districts of Amravati division middle school and matriculates either have the maximum or the second highest SMR across education groups. This means that those with 7-10 years of schooling have relatively greater risk.
AsAs in age-specific subgroups, education wise subgroups in Amravati and Nagpur divisions as well as in the three selected districts have by and large greater SMRs than the subgroup average for Maharashtra state. The exceptions are ‘no education’ male and female SMRs and ‘middle school’ female SMR in Nagpur division, and ‘no education’ male SMR in Wardha districts.
Marital status wise SMRs in Maharashtra are – not married: 8.7 males, 6.8 females; married: 30.6 males, 15.4 females; widowed: 38.7 males, 7.0 females; and divorced/separated: 135.9 males, 30.3 females. Across marital status category, SMR is the maximum for divorced/separated for both male`s and females. This pattern holds across all divisions with the exception being for females in Aurangabad and Pune divisions where the maximum SMR across marital status categories is among married.
The marital status subgroups in Amravati and Nagpur divisions and the selected districts also have SMRs higher than that for the subgroup average for Maharashtra state. The exceptions are ‘divorced/separated’ male SMR in Amravati division, male and female SMRs in Washim and Yavatmal districts and ‘widowed’ male SMR in Wardha district. This means that, compared to the state average for that subgroup, never married and married males in Amravati division have a greater disadvantage.

Age-specific Suicide Mortality Rates

For ease of analysis, we divide the data into two periods 1998-2000 and 2001-2004. As indicated earlier, the latter period is identified with higher male SMR in some regions.In 2001-4, Maharashtra’s age-specific SMRs are as follows. For males it is 0.9 for 5-14 years, 19.9 for 15-29 years, 34.4 for 30-44 years, 35.0 for 45-59 years and 20.5 for 60+ years whereas for females it is 1.0 for 5-14 years, 20.2 for 15-29 years, 15.1 for 30-44 years, 10.8 for 45-59 years and 5.8 for 60+ years. Across divisions, Amravati and Nagpur seem to have relatively higher SMRs and also the ones where the absolute increase in male SMRs was relatively higher. In these two divisions, excluding age group of 5-14 years, male SMRs increased in all other age groups and the increases are particularly notable in Amravati division.
In the three selected districts, age adjusted SMR increased in Wardha by 9.5 points (from 38.1 to 47.6), in Washim by 6.7 points (from 26.5 to 33.2) and in Yavatmal by 8.3 points (from 38.3 to 46.0). Notable increase in age-specific male SMRs are in the age groups of 15-29 years (by 25.3 points, from 29.9 to 55.3) and 30-44 years (by 11.1 points, from 65.0 to 76.1) in Wardha, in the age groups 45-59 years (by 30.4 points, from 36.6 to 67.0) and 60+ years (by 29.8 points, from 7.7 to 37.5) in Washim and in the age groups of 15-29 years (by 10.3 points, from 40.9 to 51.2), 30-44 years (by 13.9 points, from 62.8 to 76.7) and 45-59 years (by 13.0 points, from 67.1 to 80.1) in Yavatmal. Across age groups, SMR for males in Maharashtra was the maximum in the early middle age group of 30-44 years in 1998-2000 and shifted to the late middle age group of 45-59 years in 2001-4. This pattern seems to have been the case in the divisions of Amravati, Aurangabad, Konkan and Nagpur and also in the selected districts of Washim and Yavatmal whereas in Wardha district the shift was reversed with maximum male SMRs for 45-59 years in 1998-2000 and 30-44 years in 2001-4.
The former pattern (shift in maximum SMR from early middle age to late middle age) explains that people those who are now entering into a stage of getting their children married and are in the process of training them the tricks of the trade.The latter pattern (shift in maximum SMR from early middle age to late middle age) would indicate greater years of life lost. If he is a cultivator then his is likely to be one with less years of experience in farming. He may be willing to take greater risks expecting higher returns, but a failure can be catastrophic.
In both the time periods, SMR for females, as is the case at the all India level, is the maximum in the youth age group of 15-29 years. An exception to this is in our study district Wardha where maximum female SMR is in 30-44 years. An important feature of age-specific SMR is that among children (5-14 years) and youth (15-29 years) female SMR is greater than male SMR. This along with the fact that SMR for females is the maximum among youth (15-29 years) indicates that years of life lost among females will be proportionately more than their proportion of total suicide deaths. It is said that higher SMR for females in this age group could be an outcome of domestic conflict such as dowry harassment.23 Or, they could be because of other forms of female victimization such as suspected illicit relationship, not having children, cancellation/non-settlement of marriage, physical abuse, illegitimate pregnancy and divorce. Some of the reported female suicides could even be homicides in the guise of suicide or accident.

The trends over the years show that male SMR seems to have increased

The trends over the years show that male SMR seems to have increased with jumps: by 7.8 points in Amravati division in 2001, by 5.6 points in 2000 in Nagpur division, and by 2.7 points in Pune division in 2000. Trends in female SMR seem to be declining in all the divisions. Male-female SMR ratio has been increasing in all the years (exceptions are Konkan in 1999 and 2002, Nagpur in 2003, Nashik in 2004 and Pune in 1999) and in 2004 male SMR is more than double that of female SMR in Amravati, Nagpur and Pune divisions. For the three selected districts, SMRs in Yavatmal seems to be greater and Washim lower than that for Amravati division and Wardha is higher than that for Nagpur division. SMRs in Wardha are closer and for some years higher than that in Yavatmal. The trends, as in the case for their respective divisions, show that there is a jump to higher age-adjusted male SMR in Wardha in 2000 and in Washim and Yavatmal in 2001. Between 2001 and 2004, age-adjusted male SMR was the highest in 2002 and age-adjusted female SMR in 2001 in all the three districts. Male SMR is double that of female SMR in Wardha and Yavatmal districts in 2004.

Recent Suicide Trends and Patterns in Maharashtra Trends in Suicide Mortality Rate

The trends in age-adjusted SMRs in Maharashtra from 1995 to 2004 are given in Table 3.1 (for trends in age undadjusted SMR see Table 3.1a in Annexure 5).21 Further, suicide is a social phenomenon that differs across gender groups and it is appropriate to discuss about patterns in males and females separately. Age adjusted SMR for males increased from 17.4 in 1995 to 20.3 in 2004 and that for females decreased from 13.6 in 1995 to 10.8 in 2004. Absolute numbers of male suicides decreased in 1996, but thereafter it has been increasing for the whole period. For females, absolute number of suicides decreased in 1996 and then increased in the next two years, but has been declining since 1999. Age-adjusted SMR for males has not always been increasing indicating that the increase in number of suicides has not been commensurate with the increase in population. In fact, between 2001 and 2004 age-adjusted SMR for males has been in the range of 20-21. Decline in absolute female suicides when population has been increasing explains the declining age-adjusted SMR for females.

Suicide Scenario in Maharashtra

Suicide data in Maharashtra, as also in India, is compiled through police records.19 In 2001, Maharashtra constituted about 9.4 per cent of the all India population but accounted for 13.5 per cent of the total suicide deaths in the country. Suicides accounted for 2 per cent of the total deaths in the state whereas at the all India level suicides accounted for 1.3 per cent of the total deaths.20 What is the reason for the relatively higher suicide deaths in Maharashtra? In this chapter we analyse some recent trends and patterns in attempting to answer this question.

Maharashtra’s gross value addition from agriculture

In recent years, Maharashtra’s gross value addition from agriculture is relatively more from Fruits & Vegetables and Sugarcane – together these two Vegetables account for less than 8 per cent of the area under cultivation, but nearly 53 per cent of the gross value added in agriculture. These crops are largely not grown in the selected districts of Wardha, Washim and Yavatmal. The cash crops in the selected districts are Cotton and more recently Soyabean. Over the years, profitability from Cotton has declined. Some of the reasons are as follows: high subsidies by the USA leading to distortions in the international prices, low import tariff by India, failure of the MCPS in Maharashtra. At the same time, the state has been withdrawing, as is evident from, declining public investment in agriculture, poor agricultural extension, diminishing role of formal sources of credit and relatively lower public intervention programmes under MEGS in the selected districts. The farmer, now, depends on the input supplier for advice leading to supplier-induced demand and on informal sources for credit with higher interest rate thereby increasing his repayment burden. To add to these, 2004 happened to be a rain deficient year in the selected districts, but this year was one when the macro supply scenario of Cotton was good. The farmers from our selected districts were exposed to both yield as well as price shocks. To sum up, there seems to be a larger socio-economic and agrarian crisis. In the next chapter, we discuss the suicide scenario in Maharashtra.

Public Interventions: The Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme

One of the important social welfare measures in the state is the Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme (MEGS), which has been in operation since 1970s. We would like to see the interventions in our selected districts in recent years. All our selected districts are from National Sample Survey (NSS) Inland Eastern region.16 In this region, the proportion of poor in total rural population was 32 per cent in 1999-2000. This constitutes about 23 per cent of the state’s rural poor whereas this regions share of state’s rural population is 17 per cent. The regions share of expenditure under MEGS is, however, lower than even their share of rural population and it has been declining

Credit Scenario in Rural Maharashtra

From 1995 to 2004, rural branches of all scheduled commercial banks declined from 2320 to 2241. In the study districts the absolute number of branches remained more or less the same (44 in Wardha, 87 in undivided Akola, and decreased from 70 to 66 in Yavatmal), but as proportion of total branches in the districts it showed a decline. Between triennium ending (TE) 1996-7 and TE 2003-4, rural deposits as a proportion of total deposits in the district decreased by 1 percentage point (from 26.4 per cent to 25.3 per cent) in Wardha, increased by 3.4 percentage point (from 17.3 per cent to 20.7 per cent) in undivided Akola and remained around 22 per cent in Yavatmal. Agricultural credit as per cent of total credit disbursed as per utilization has been declining from TE 1996-7 to TE 2003-4. An exception is Wardha where it first increased in TE 2000-1 and then decreased. The latter decrease could be because of an increase in credit to industry during TE 2003-4. This increase in credit to industry also explains the large increase in credit-deposit ratio during TE 2003-4 in Wardha. The credit deposit ratio for all scheduled commercial banks in the three study districts seems to have first decreased and then increased. The increase in recent years has been due to an increase in credit towards personal loans.

International and Domestic Policies Impact on Cotton Prices in India

Excess international supply at a lower price is also because of direct and indirect subsidesleading to dumping by the United States of America (USA). During the period 1998 to2003 Cotton export prices from USA were lower than their cost of production by morethan 50 per cent on average and had reached a maximum of 65 per cent in 2002 (Murphy,Lilliston and Lake, 2005). As against this, domestic policies in India have led to removalof quantitative restrictions and subsequently reduction of import tariff from 35 per cent in2001-2 to 5 per cent in 2002-3. All these exposed the domestic prices of Cotton to thevolatility of international prices. This has been adversely affecting the Cotton farmer.Similarly, excessive Cotton exports leading to an increase in yarn prices can adverselyaffect the handloom and power loom weavers. Thus, variable import and export tariffsthat guard movements in domestic prices against volatility in international prices could beof help to both producers and consumers (Ghosh, 2005).

Agricultural Production Wardha, Washim (or undivided Akola) and Yavtatmal and the state of Maharashtra

We analyse some recent changes in the agrarian scenario in the districts of Wardha, Washim (or undivided Akola) and Yavtatmal and the state of Maharashtra. Using three year moving average trends from 1990-1 to 2002-3, we give growth rates of production for selected crops
In the selected districts, the linear trend growth rate for production of Cereals was negative. This is largely explained by a negative area effect mostly for Jowar and Paddy. For these two crops, except for Paddy in Yavatmal, the yield effect has also been negative indicating that the shifts in cropping pattern are likely to be from lands with greater yield. The linear trend growth rate for Wheat was positive and this can be explained by positive area as well as yield effects. An exception is Yavatmal, where yield effect was negative. For Maharashtra state, the results are somewhat similar – linear trend growth rate for production of Cereals is negative. The share of area/production in the selected districts to total area/production for Cereals (particularly, Jowar and Paddy) in Maharashtra has declined. The share of production, particularly for Jowar, has been higher than the share of area indicating that the yield for Jowar in the study district is higher than the average for the state. Despite this, area has been declining and its share has come down. This can be explained by the fact that the share of gross value added relative to share of area under cultivation is the lowest for Jowar Linear trend growth rate for Sugarcane production has been positive and this is largely explained by a positive area effect. In Wardha, there has been a positive yield effect also. In undivided Akola, Yavatmal as well as for Maharashtra the yield effect has been negative. This negative yield effect is stronger than the area effect in Yavatmal and in this district there has been a secular decline in production in the last three years. The increase in area under Sugarcane in the selected districts despite the fact that yield of Sugarcane is lower than the state’s average is because of its advantage from gross value addition. The share of area/production under Sugarcane in the selected districts to the total area under Sugarcane in Maharashtra has increased in Wardha, but not in the other two districts.

Objectives of the Study Maharashtra farmers.

The objectives of the study are as follows:
• To analyze the agrarian scenario in Maharashtra with emphasis on the selected districts.
• To look into the trends and patterns of the recent suicide scenario in Maharashtra.
• To study the nature and extent of indebtedness among deceased farmers.
• To identify and examine other socio-economic factors leading to suicidal death by the deceased farmers.
• To compare the suicide (case) with non-suicide (control) households.
• To suggest policy measures.

Farmers’ suicides Issues

Farmers’ suicides have been receiving a lot of media attention, more so by the vernacular local dailies, in recent years. There has also been some scholarly attention.3 Over the years, agriculture’s contribution to the gross domestic produce in India has reduced from 56 per cent in 1950-1 to 25 per cent in 2001-2 whereas as per the 2001 census 58 per cent of the total workers are still dependent on agriculture either as cultivators or agricultural labourers. This suggests that rural non-farm employment opportunities are limited. Between 1960-1 and 1995-6, the number of agricultural operational holdings in India increased by 2.36 times from 48.9 million to 115.6 million, but when one looks at the composition it is only the marginal (0-1 hectares) and small (1-2 hectares) size-class of farmers that increased from 51 per cent to 62 per cent. In absolute numbers, the large size-class (10 hectares & above) started declining since the 1970s and the medium size-class (4-10 hectares) since the 1980s. This suggests that dependence on agriculture is largely among the ranks of marginal and small farmers and agricultural labourers. The small and marginal farmers also bear the brunt of unavailability of water and its associated yield uncertainty. Linking of the national market with international markets has also increased the price uncertainty particularly in crops like cotton. The small and marginal farmer is, however, thinking big and willing to experiment and take risks. However, the farmer is not able to visualise that a bad monsoon leading to crop failure or a glut in the market can put him into a quagmire of indebtedness and crashing of dreams. The farmer cannot get his daughter/sister married, he cannot send his children to college for higher education or he cannot meet health expenses for the family members to mention a few of his responsibilities. This brings about a feeling of dejection and failure among some farmers who in their moments of despair think that life is not worth living any more and they end up committing suicide.

NFBSFARA , The Indian National Agricultural Research System (NARS)

NARS has to find solutions to the immediate problems of farming as well as keep its competence in technology development in the forefront to meet all continuously emerging anticipated and unanticipated problems. For this continuous strengthening of basic and strategic research and, applied research in the frontier areas of agricultural sciences is required. Fully realising this need, the Government of India decided to establish a national fund for supporting basic and strategic research under the ICAR with the objective to build capacity for basic and strategic research of national and long-term importance to break yield and quality barriers and make India a global leader in research for development, through the partnership of all research organizations who can contribute towards this objective.

The Fund strongly encourages collaborative and multi-institutional research based on innovative ideas of scientists for solving advanced scientific and technological problems in agriculture. Scientists from all research institutions universities and private sector with proven research capacity and located in India are eligible to participate.


a. Name of the College

College of Agricultural Engineering

b. Postal Address

College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla – 522 101,
Guntur District

c. Telegraphic Address

d. Telephone No. with STD 08643 - 224068
e. Fax No. 08643 - 224068
f. E-mail
2. Year of Establishment of the College

The B.Tech (Agril.Engg.) Programme was started in 1983

3. Objectives

Present day agriculture needs technological interventions to make rain fed, irrigated and dry land Agriculture more productive, sustainable and remunerative to farmers and to fulfill the objectives of several governmental schemes.

The next green revolution has to be achieved only through adoption of agricultural engineering principles and practices for the development and sustainability of agriculture. Some states in India and many states in advanced countries like USA and Germany have a strong base of “Agricultural Engineering” profession in Governmental Departments and in Universities to support the technological interventions for the Development and sustainability of Agriculture.

Hence, there is a need to develop trained manpower in agricultural engineering in the country to cater to the following needs of agriculture in general and the farmers in particular.


1. Mechanization of Agriculture to reduce cost of cultivation and to perform all field operations including harvesting and threshing in time to increase net income to farmers.

2. Natural resources Management Technologies to cope up with water scarcity, water excess and salinity problems with efficient water management, micro irrigation and drainage systems to sustain agriculture

3. Value addition to agricultural products by efficient storage, handling and processing technologies to make agriculture more remunerative to farmer.


1. To design efficient irrigation water management methods with surface and micro-irrigation methods to overcome water scarcity and inequitable water distribution situation to improve water use efficiency.

2. To reclaim waste lands and problematic lands to increase land productivity by adopting suitable drainage and water technologies

3. To design and manufacture suitable agricultural machinery and implements requited for different soils and crops in the state to reduce the labour requirement and the total cost of cultivation for the farmers and to perform all field operations in time according to the need.

4. To design and develop suitable post-harvest equipment and processed to give value addition to agricultural and horticultural produce to get more price

5. To design process equipment for milk and food products to meet the market requirements

6. To design soil and water conservation, irrigation and drainage structures to preserve the precious natural resources.To design the energy conserving technologies for applications in agriculture using solar, wind and other non-conventional energy sources

4. Programmes Offered

1. Post graduate –M.Tech. (Agril.Engg.)
(2 years) - November, 2006

2. Undergraduate –B.Tech (Agril. Engg.)
(4 years) - August, 1983

5. Name of the Associate Dean Dr. T.V. SATYANARAYANA

Aquaculture: (Freshwater, Brackishwater, Mariculture & Coldwater)

  • Developing sustainable technologies for mariculture, open sea culture.
  • Diversification in aquaculture by bringing more potential fin/ shellfish species and varied culture systems in fresh and brackishwater farming.
  • Breeding and culture of high value fin-fish and shell-fishes.
  • Organic aqua-farming
  • Fish health management, immuno-prophylaxis and therapeutic against common diseases.
  • Ornamental fish breeding and farming
  • Up-scaling of breeding and culture technologies for potential coldwater fish species.
  • Technology development for aquaculture inland saline water areas.
  • Up-scaling pen and cage culture technology in reservoirs and wetlands.
  • Fish nutrition, feed development and technology for live feed organisms.
  • Water budgeting in inland aquaculture
  • Development of water re-circulating units for different aquaculture systems.
  • Genetic improvement in existing finfish and shellfish species for growth and disease resistance.

Capture Fisheries (Marine & Inland)

  • Species-wise biological database of commercially exploited marine fish stock and estimate of existing fish yield.
  • Meeting the challenges of responsible fisheries.
  • Computer based models for fishery management in open waters.
  • Developing marine and estuarine biodiversity database, formulating conservation and management action plan on GIS platform
  • Using remote sensing technology, mapping potential inland fishery resources in the country incorporating information on production, dominant catch trends, species composition and ecological status.
  • Impact of river linking on fish stocks, aquatic biodiversity and estimating environmental flows in river systems to sustain ecosystem properties and production.
  • Generating long term data base on ecosystem ecology, responses of fish behaviour including physiology to climate extreme changes in inland and marine environments.
  • Develop climate change action plan ensuring to minimize negative impacts and exploit new opportunities.
  • Environmental impact assessment and bio-remediation of stressed aquatic ecosystems
  • Assessment and action plan for hill fishery resource management.
  • Pilot-scale testing of appropriate management models for improving fisheries in reservoirs, lakes and floodplain wetlands.
  • Addressing the issues related to safety at sea for fishers both in terms of policy and support.


Rocks are the chief sources for the parent materials over which soils are developed. There are three main kinds of rocks:
(i)igneous rocks,
(ii)sedimentary rocks, and
(iii)metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks. They are formed by the cooling, hardening and crystallizing of various kinds of lavas and differ widely in their chemical composition. They chiefly contain feldspars, maphic minerals and quartz. Rocks containing a high proportion of quartz (60-75%) are classified as acidic, whereas those containing less than 50% quartz are classified as basic. The common igneous rocks found in India are the granites(acidic) and basalts or the Deccan Trap (basic)

Sedimentary rocks. They are derived from igneous rocks and are formed by the consolidation of fragmentary rock materials and the products of their decomposition deposited by water. The common sedimentary rocks are conglomerate, sandstone, shale and limestone. Alluvial, glacial and aeolian deposits form the unconsolidated sedimentary rocks.

Metamorphic rocks. They are formed from the igneous or sedimentary rocks by the action of intense heat and high pressure or both resulting in considerable change in the texture and mineral composition. The common metamorphic rocks are gneis from granite, quartzite from quartz or sandstone, marble from limestone and slate from shale.

Soil-Water Conservation

Wind erosion also has been responsible for destroying the valuable top soil in many areas. Halting the march of desert in Rajasthan is one of the vital and outstanding problems facing the country today. An extreme example of sand movement from the coast is to be seen in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat where the once-flourishing ports are now covered with advancing sand-dunes.

In addition to the erosion of the cultivated fields, neglected pastures and wastelands, considerable roadside erosion also takes place owing to the defective highway engineering. Defective drainage and water-logging throw appreciable areas out of cultivation every year and indirectly increase the erosion hazards.

Extent of soil erosion. In India, there is very little area free from the hazard of soil erosion. It is estimated that out of 305.9 million hectares of reported area, 145 million hectares is in need of conservation measures.

Severe erosion occurs in the sub-humid and per-humid areas due to high rainfall and improper management of land and water.

Agricultural land in the major part of the country suffers from erosion. Apart from reducing the yields through the loss of nutrients, erosion destroys the soil resources itself every year. For example, in Maharashtra over 70 per cent of the cultivated land has been affected by erosion in varying degrees and 32 per cent of the land having been highly eroded is no longer cultivable. In the Sholapur district, nearly 17 per cent of the land of medium depth (more than 45 cm) has deteriorated into shallow soils (less than 45 cm) in 75 years from 1870 to 1945. Similarly, in Akola, Buldana and Yeotmal districts, the number of fields with less than 37.5 cm soil depth increased during the same period by 54, 16 and 8 per cent respectively. As much as 2.3 million ha is already under ravines scattered all over India. The ravines apart from ruining the soil resources for ever are a constant threat to the adjoining fertile cultivated lands.

OPIUM POPPY (papaver somniferum Linn)

Poppy is a native of the western Mediterranean region,introduced into India in the early sixteenth century.India produces about 70 per cent of the world's production and 90 per cent of it is exported annually.The crop can be grown under a licence issued by the Excise Department and, as such, its cultivation is restricted to about 24,000 hectares in the districts of Neemuch,Mandsaur and Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh ; in Faizabad,Bara Banki,Bareilly and Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh,and in Chittoor,Jhalawar and Kota in Rajasthan.

ISABGOL (plantago ovata Forks.)

It is an annual stem-less herb, a native of Persia, now grows as a cash crop on about 16,000 ha in the Mehsana, Palampur and Banaskantha districts of Northern Gujrat, India is the largest producer of isabgol and exports seed and huskworth Rs 25 million annually. The husk is the rosey-white membranous covering of the seed which constitutes the drug and is given as a safe laxative, particularly beneficial in habitual constipation, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery.

C.succirubra Pavon

C.succirubra Pavon is a hardy tree which grows between elevations of 1,200 and 2,000 m in some parts of Annamalais and attain a heught of 18-20 meters. This species possess a remarkable ability to withstand both high humidity and drought. Its main alkaloid is cinchonidine. The total Alkolid in the root ,stem and bark is 7.6,5.5 and 3.3 per cent respectively. Out of these amounts, quinine constitutes 0.76-1.42, 1.1-1.74 and 0.8-1.76 per cent respectively in the root, stem and bark.

CINCHONA (cinchona ledgeriana Linn.and allied spp.).

Sixty-five species distributed in the Andes at elevations of 800 to 2,800 m, occur mainly in Peru, Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador. Commercial supplies of the bank are obtained from C.ledgeriana, c.officinalis, C.calisaya, C.succirubra and their numerous hybrids. The cinchona bark yields quinine which is used as a treatment against malaria. Quinine salts are now increasingly used in soft drinks as bittters and quinidine sulphate is use in the treatment of heart troubles, such as auricular fibrillation and venticular trachycardia. Cinchona plantations cover about 1,600 ha in the Nilgiris and the Annamalais Hills(Tamil Nadu). India, Indonesia and Zaire(the Congo) are major suppliers of quinine products to the world market ; the Indian export of quinine salts earns about Rs 10 million annually.

Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU)

Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU)
Bihar PIN 848125

OILSEED CROPS Groundnut Arachis hypogaea L.

GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)is believed to be the native of Brazil to Peru, Argentina and Ghana, from where it was introduced into Jamaica, Cuba and other West Indies islands. The plant was introduced by Portuguese into Africa from where it was introduced into North America. It was introduced into India during the first half of the sixteenth century from one of the Pacific islands of China, where it was introduced earlier from either central America or South America.

ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. The oil content of the seed varies from 44 to 50 per cent, depending on the varieties and agronomic conditions. Groundnut oil is an edible oil. It finds extensive use as a cooking medium both as refined oil and Vanaspati Ghee. It is also used in soap making, and manufactoring cosmectics and lubricants, olein stearin and their salts. Kernels are also eaten raw, roasted or sweetened. They are rich in protein and vitamins A, B and some members of B2 group. Their calorific value is 349 per 100 grammes. The H.P.S. type of groundnut kernels are exported to foreign contries. The residual oilcake contains 7 to 8 per cent of N, 1.5 per cent of P 2O5 and 1.2 per cent of K2O and is used as a fertilizer. It is an important protein suppliment in cattle and poultry rations. It is also consumed as confectionary product. The cake can be used for manufacturing artificial fibre. The haulms (plant stalks) are fed ( green, dried or silaged) to livestock. Groundnut shell is used as fuel for manufacturing coarse boards, corksubstitutes etc. Groundnut is also of value as rotation crop. Being a legume with root nodules, it can synthesise atmospheric nitrogen and therefore improve soil fertility.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Groundnut (Archis hypogaea L.) is a member of sub-family, Papilionaceae of the family Leguminosae. Archis hypogaea L. consists of two subspecies each containing two botanical varieties.

Jatropha (Bio Diesel)

The consultancy on bio fuel crops will discuss in detail about the various plants from which the raw material for the fuel can be obtained, with specific focus on jatropha. The session will include basic information like cultivation of these plants, marketing, accessories needed, care for the plants to be taken, the type of fertilizers

India's rice industry warns against GE trials

The warning came just over a week after the European Union decided to compulsorily test all U.S. shipments of long-grain rice. That followed a discovery that U.S. imports to Europe were contaminated with genetically modified (GMO) rice.

No biotech rice is allowed to be grown, sold or marketed on the territory of the European Union's 25 countries.

India has carried out field trials of mostly short-grain rice at 10 different sites across the country since 2005, but the Supreme Court last month suspended fresh tests on all crops until a further court hearing.

Previous trials show no signs of GM seeds infecting rice exports.

But importers and farmers fear the risk of contamination through mixing of seeds during storage or in transportation could affect consumer confidence and India's reputation as a "clean and reliable" rice exporter.

"Indian rice is GM-free and we want to keep it that way," said R.S. Seshadri, director of Tilda Riceland and a member of the All-India Rice Exporters Association (AIREA) -- which represents exporters like Satnam Overseas, Sunstar, Kohinoor.

"We are asking them not to do further testing ... we need to review guidelines and enforce stricter standards in light of what has happened in the U.S.," he told a news conference.

India is the largest producer and exporter of Basmati rice -- a long-grain rice priced for its characteristic subtle aroma and delicious taste -- and exported 1.15 million tonnes, generating 30.3 billion rupees in the 2005/6 financial year.

Although most of the tests were on short-grain rice, farmers say many were not informed that field trials were taking place near their own rice paddys. If contamination occurs in exported stocks, buyers in Europe and Middle Eastern countries might ban Indian products, unions say.

"The GM-testing happening in this country is a dirty joke which is being played on us," said Yudhvir Singh, a senior official from the Bharatiya Kisan Union, a union representing hundreds of thousands of farmers across India.

"We run the risk of hundreds of thousands of farmers losing their livelihoods if bans are imposed or we lose consumer confidence in products."

Marathwada Agricultural University (MAU)

Marathwada Agricultural University (MAU)
Maharashtra PIN 431402

Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV)

Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV)

Advisors for cultivation of crops in Maharashtra

I am interested in promoting through voluntary efforts among small / medium farmers cultivation of ASHWAGANDHA, COLEUS,or patchouli, asparagus, sarpagandha, tinospora or any suitable crops for Thane Distt in Maharashtra to begin with. I am looking for guides to guide these farmers to help in this task of rural development.

Some of the important contributing factors for farmers' suicide

  • absence of adequate social support infrastructure at the level of the village and district,
  • uncertainty of agricultural enterprise in the region,
  • indebtedness of farmers,
  • rising costs of cultivation,
  • plummeting prices of farm commodities,
  • lack of credit availability for small farmers,
  • relative absence of irrigation facilities,
  • repeated crop failures,
  • dependence on rainfall for farming,
  • rural living and easy access to poisons, and
  • lack of political will and insight in the region.

Farmers, suicide, psychological autopsy, debt in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state

Agriculture is the main stay of the state of Maharashtra. Total irrigated area which had been used for cultivation is 33,500 sq kilometers. Average annual profit from cultivation in the state of Maharashtra is the lowest of all Indian states, lagging far behind the state with the highest - Jammu and Kashmir (Rs. 4363 vs. Rs. 22,770). The reasons for such a pathetic state of farmers include below average rainfall, heavy load-shedding, lack of small irrigation projects, poverty, pressure of private moneylenders and banks, ignorance of ancillary occupations for raising income, employment problem of the farmers' children, decreasing interest of the young generation in farming, rapid urbanization, apathy and lack of political willpower toward welfare and development of the region, etc. Cumulative effect of all these is evident on the psyche of the people of Vidarbha in general and farmers in particular. Farmers are hence prompted to turn to local moneylenders (sahukars) who charged them a much higher rate of interest. In fact moneylenders proved to be the most common and easy source of loans for the farmer (28.4%) followed by loans procured from relatives (22.93%) while only 3.94% turned to land development banks.

Fish production in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh has 17,088 km of rivers and canals, 4.6 lakh ha of reservoirs and 60,000 ha of ponds and tanks that produce about 51,000 tonnes of fish. The average fish yield from FFDA ponds is about 1.5 tonnes/ha/year. On account of the vast resources, even a marginal increase in yield rate in the reservoirs of the state can contribute a substantial quantity of fish to the production basket. With the following interventions, fish production in Madhya Pradesh can be increased substantially:

• Adopting reservoir fisheries management guidelines (200 kg/ha/year)

• Integrated rice-duck-poultry-fish culture (2 tonnes/ha/year)

• Carp culture (2.5 tonnes/ha/year)

Fish production in Madhya Pradesh can be increased to more than 1 lakh tonnes/annum by adopting these measures, nearly doubling the production, that could be marketed in other states with profit.

Vermicompost for Sugarcane - New Experiments

Plant nutrition and the soil-plant system. The key-role of fertilizers and their judicious use in crop husbandry is well understood, when one is familiar with the general facts about plant nutrition. It is now known that at least 16 plant-food elements are necessary for the growth of green plants. These plant-nutrients are called essential elements. In the absence of any one of these essential elements, a plant fails to complete its life cycle, though the disorder caused can, however, be corrected by the addition of that element.These 16 elements are: Carbon(C), hydrogen(H), oxygen(O), nitrogen(N), phosphorous(P), sulphur(S), potassium(K), calsium(Ca),magnesium(Mg), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), zinc(Zn), copper(Cu), molybdenum(Mb), boron(B) and chlorine(Cl). Green plants obtain carbon from carbon-di-oxide from the air; oxygen and hydrogen from water, whereas the remaining elements are taken from the soil. Based on their relative amounts, normally found in plants, the plant nutrients are termed as macronutrients, if large amounts are involved, and micronutrients, if only traces are involved. The micronutrients essential for plant growth are iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine. All other essential elements listed above are macronutrients.

As mentioned above, most of the plant nutrients, besides carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, originate from the soil. The soil system is viewed by the soil scientists as a triple-phased system of solid, liquid and a gaseous phases. These phases are physically seperable. The plant nutrients are based in the solid phase and their usual pathway to the plant system is through the surrounding liquid phase, the soil solution and then to the plant root and plant cells. This pathway may be written in the form of an equation as: M(Solid)->M(Solution)->N(Plant root)->(Plant top) where 'M' is the plant nutrient element in continual movement through the soil-plant system. The operation of the above system is dependent on the solar energy through photosynthesis and metabolic activities. This is however, an oversimplified statement for gaining a physical concept of the natural phenomenon, but one should bear in mind that there are many physico and physico-chemical processes influencing the reactions in the pathway. The actual transfer in nature takes place through the charged ions, the usual form in which plant-food elements occur in solutions(liquid phase of the system). Plant roots take up plant-food elements elements from the soil in these ionic forms. The positively charged ions are called 'cations' which include potassium(K+), Calcium(Ca++), magnesium(Mg++), iron(Fe+++), zinc(Zn++), and so on. The negatively charged ions are called anions and the important plant nutrients taken in this form include nitrogen(NO-3), phosphorous( H2PO-4), sulphur(SO-4), Chlorine(Cl), etc.

The process of nutrient uptake by plants refers to the transfer of the nutrient ions across the soil root interfaces into the plant cell. The energy for the process is provided by the metabolic activity of the plant and in its absence no absorption of nutrients take place. Nutrient absorption involves the phenomenon of ion exchange. The root surface, like soil, carries a negative charge and exhibits cation-exchange property. The most efficient absorption of the plant nutrients takes place on the younger tissues of the roots, capable of growth and elongation.

In this respect, root-systems are known to vary from crop to crop. Hence their feeding power differs. The extent and the spread of the effective root-system determines the soil volume trapped in the feeding-zone of the crop plant. This is indeed an important information in a given soil-plant system which helps us to choose fertilizers and fertilizer-use practices. The absorption mechanisms of the crop plants are fairly known now. There are three mechanisms in operation in the soil-water-plant systems. They are:(i) the contact exchange and root interception, (ii) the mass flow or convection, and (iii) diffusion. In the case of contact exchange and root interception, the exchangeable nutrients ions from the clay-humus colloids migrates directly to the root surface through contact exchange when plant roots come into contact with the soil solids. Nutrient absorption through this mechanism is, however, insignificant as most of the plant nutrients occur in the soil solutions. Scientists have found that plant roots actually grow to come into contact with only 3 percent of the soil volume exploited by the root mass, and the nutrient uptake through root interception is even still less. The second mechanism is mass flow or convection, which is considered to be the important mode of nutrient uptake. This mechanism relates to nutrient mobility with the movement of soil water towards the root surface where absorption through the roots takes place along with water. Some are called mobile nutrients. Others which move only a few millimetres are called immobile nutrients. Nutrient ions such as nitrate, chloride and sulphate, are not absorbed by the soil colloids and are mainly in solution. Such nutrient ions are absorbed by the roots along with soil water. The nutrient uptake through this mechanism is directly related to the amount of water used by the plants (transpiration). It may, however, be mentioned that the exchangeable nutrient cations and anions other than nitrate, chloride and sulphate, which are absorbed on soil colloids are in equilibrium with the soil solution do not move freely with water when it is absorbed by the plant roots. These considerations, therefore, bring out that there are large differences in the transport and root absorption of various ion through the mechanism of mass flow. Mass flow is, however, responsible for supplying the root with much of the plant needs for nitrogen, calcium and magnesium, when present in high concentrations in the soil solution, but does not do so in the case of phosphorous or potassium. The nutrient uptake through mass flow is largely dependent on the moisture status of the soil and is highly influenced by the soil physical properties controlling the movement of soil water.

The third mechanism is diffusion. It is an important phenomenon by which ions in the soil medium move from a point of higher concentration to a point of lower concentration. in other words, the mechanism enables the movement of the nutrients ion without the movement of water. The amount of nutrient-ion movement in this case is dependent on the ion-concentration gradient and transport pathways which, in turn, are highly influenced by the content of soil water. This mechanism is predomionant in supplying most of the phosphorous and potassium to plant roots. It is important to note that the rhizophere volume of soil in the immidiate neighbourhood of the effective plant root receives plant nutrients continously to be delivered to the roots by diffusion. However, when the nutrient concentration builds up far excess of the plant in the reverse direction. These are some of the choice of fertilizers and fertilizer practices for practising scientific agriculture.

The relationship in the soil-plant system stated in the simple equation give in the earlier paragraph reflects the highly dynamic nature of the soil solution. One knows that the roots of the growing plants continuously remove nutrient ions from the soil solutions. At the same time, the breakdown of the soil minerals and the generating of more exchangeable cations, the biological activity and the additions made to the anions, e.g. nitrates, continuously change the composition of the soil solution. At a given point of time, therefore, the available plant nutrients in the soil solution may range from a tiny amount to larger quantities. Under favourable conditions, crop plants, in general, require larger amounts of plant nutrients than the quality found in soil solution at any given time. Hence, the situation of nutrients supply to plants becomes a limiting factor, specially, at the critical stages of plant growth and low crop yields result in recognition, therefore, fertilizers application and the use of suitable fertilizers are recommended for higher crop yeilds in productive farming. The knowledge of the specific role of each essential element in the growth of crop plants and their amounts required for efficient crop production is considered necessary in adopting scientific fertilizers use.

Crop improvement programme Cereal crops Phule Mauli (RSLG-262)

i) Cereal crops
Sorghum and bajra are the important kharif foodgrain crops. The University has recently released the variety of sorghum "Phule Yashoda" (SPV-1359). It is recommended for a medium to heavy soils and responds well to irrigation (1 to 2 irrigations). It yields 25-30 q/ha. It was released in 1998 at State level and subsequently released in 2000 at National level.

The sorghum variety Phule Mauli (RSLG-262) released during 1999 is a drought resistant variety recommended for light to medium soil and its yield under rainfed conditions is 12-15 q/ha. Improved variety of sorghum APV-504 (Swati) released by the University in 1989 is recommended for rabi tracts.

The variety 'Shradha' of bajra released by the University yields upto 25 q/ha. The improved agro-techniques for moisture conservation in drought prone area has been developed for higher productivity of bajra. The last 15 years yield data shows that, the yield of bajra has increased from 250 kg/ha to 690 kg/ha due to adoption of modern techniques of cultivation for this improved variety.

Rice is another important crop wherein variety Indrayani, Pavana and Kundalika have been released by the Agricultural Research Station, Vadgaon Maval and Darna by Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Igatpuri of this University.

Hunis and Manjari composites are the high yielding early and medium duration varieties of maize developed by the University. These varieties are catching the area very fast in Kolhapur region of the State.

General Greenhouse Management

Greenhouse Construction
Climate Control in GH Structures
Greenhouse Management: Soil Sterilization and preparation, cultural practices in flower and vegetable cultivation
Irrigation and Fertigation Technology
Crop Protection
Post Harvest and Marketing

Marketing of Horticultural Produce

Importance and Scope
Post-Harvest and Handling
Marketing Channels
Domestic & Export Marketing : Potential Markets & Procedures
Logistics and Planning
Marketing of Allied Products


Bank of Maharashtra
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists scheme for purchase of various irrigation equipments.
Mahabank Kisan Credit Card scheme for cultivation of crops, meeting the short-term credit needs of farmers.
Farm Mechanisation for Agriculturists scheme for Purchase of Tractors/Power tillers, Harvesters, Threshers & other farm
Animal Husbandry scheme for Purchase of animals, Poultry- Broiler Farm, Layers Farm, Hatchery Sheep/Goat Rearing Construction
of Byre, and Purchase of Machinery Working Capital Requirements under
Scheme for Cultivation of fruit crops-mango, Pomegranate, Grapes etc.
Scheme for providing finance to set up of Agri-Clinics/Agribusiness Centers.
Scheme for Financing Farmers for Purchase of Agricultural land.
Scheme for Financing Two Wheelers to Farmers
Scheme for Providing Loans to Farmers for Purchase of consumer durables
Scheme for Hi-tech projects in agriculture.
Rural Godown Scheme (Gramin Bhandaran Yojana) for scientific storage of agricultural produce.
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists

Purpose :
Digging of new wells, revitalization of existing well, purchase of oil engine, electric motor, pump set installation of pipe line, sprinkler, irrigation, drip irrigation, tube well, bore well, etc.
Eligibility : Agriculturist who owns agricultural land.
Amount : For new dug wells as per the NABARD Unit costs for equipments/estimates.
Repayment : Depending upon the repaying capacity 7 to 11 years.
Security : Mortgage of land, Hypothecation of movable assets and guarantors.
Other Terms & Conditions :
Proposed well should be located in white watershed area. It should not be in dark watershed area.