
What are Soil Properties?

It is well known that one of the chief factors responsible for obtaining satisfactory crop yields is the presence of essential plant nutrients in the soil in adequate quantities and in readily utilisable for maximum and rational soil management, a knowledge of the fertility status and psical properties of a soil is essential. Soil testing is one of the methods of determining the fertility status of the soils, so that recommendations in regard to deficient nutrients or soil amendments can be made. In fact, soil-testing forms an essential part of any scheme of agricultural development. Soil-testing laboratories have been established in almost all the states, covering all districts in them, where soils are analysed quickly and recommendations are made in respect of the fertilizer requirement for different crops.
Successful farming does not merely depend on the knowledge of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. It is a matter concerning both soil and soil management.The most important consideration in soil managment is the correct application of the relationship between the soil and the crops to be grown. Although the problems of soil management vary according to the soils and their situations the climatic conditions and the crops to be grown, yet there are fundamental factors which govern the choice of a soil managment practices. Good soil tilth is the first feature of good soil management. It means a suitable physical condition of the soil and implies, in addition, a satisfactory regulating of soil moisture and air. The maintenance of soil organic matter which encourages, granulation is an important consideration of good tilth. Tillage operations and timings should be so adjusted as to cause the minimum destruction of soil aggregates. Good tilth minimizes erosion hazards.

General Greenhouse Management

Greenhouse Construction
Climate Control in GH Structures
Greenhouse Management: Soil Sterilization and preparation, cultural practices in flower and vegetable cultivation
Irrigation and Fertigation Technology
Crop Protection
Post Harvest and Marketing

Marketing of Horticultural Produce

Importance and Scope
Post-Harvest and Handling
Marketing Channels
Domestic & Export Marketing : Potential Markets & Procedures
Logistics and Planning
Marketing of Allied Products


Bank of Maharashtra
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists scheme for purchase of various irrigation equipments.
Mahabank Kisan Credit Card scheme for cultivation of crops, meeting the short-term credit needs of farmers.
Farm Mechanisation for Agriculturists scheme for Purchase of Tractors/Power tillers, Harvesters, Threshers & other farm
Animal Husbandry scheme for Purchase of animals, Poultry- Broiler Farm, Layers Farm, Hatchery Sheep/Goat Rearing Construction
of Byre, and Purchase of Machinery Working Capital Requirements under
Scheme for Cultivation of fruit crops-mango, Pomegranate, Grapes etc.
Scheme for providing finance to set up of Agri-Clinics/Agribusiness Centers.
Scheme for Financing Farmers for Purchase of Agricultural land.
Scheme for Financing Two Wheelers to Farmers
Scheme for Providing Loans to Farmers for Purchase of consumer durables
Scheme for Hi-tech projects in agriculture.
Rural Godown Scheme (Gramin Bhandaran Yojana) for scientific storage of agricultural produce.
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists

Purpose :
Digging of new wells, revitalization of existing well, purchase of oil engine, electric motor, pump set installation of pipe line, sprinkler, irrigation, drip irrigation, tube well, bore well, etc.
Eligibility : Agriculturist who owns agricultural land.
Amount : For new dug wells as per the NABARD Unit costs for equipments/estimates.
Repayment : Depending upon the repaying capacity 7 to 11 years.
Security : Mortgage of land, Hypothecation of movable assets and guarantors.
Other Terms & Conditions :
Proposed well should be located in white watershed area. It should not be in dark watershed area.