

a. Name of the College

College of Agricultural Engineering

b. Postal Address

College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla – 522 101,
Guntur District

c. Telegraphic Address

d. Telephone No. with STD 08643 - 224068
e. Fax No. 08643 - 224068
f. E-mail
2. Year of Establishment of the College

The B.Tech (Agril.Engg.) Programme was started in 1983

3. Objectives

Present day agriculture needs technological interventions to make rain fed, irrigated and dry land Agriculture more productive, sustainable and remunerative to farmers and to fulfill the objectives of several governmental schemes.

The next green revolution has to be achieved only through adoption of agricultural engineering principles and practices for the development and sustainability of agriculture. Some states in India and many states in advanced countries like USA and Germany have a strong base of “Agricultural Engineering” profession in Governmental Departments and in Universities to support the technological interventions for the Development and sustainability of Agriculture.

Hence, there is a need to develop trained manpower in agricultural engineering in the country to cater to the following needs of agriculture in general and the farmers in particular.


1. Mechanization of Agriculture to reduce cost of cultivation and to perform all field operations including harvesting and threshing in time to increase net income to farmers.

2. Natural resources Management Technologies to cope up with water scarcity, water excess and salinity problems with efficient water management, micro irrigation and drainage systems to sustain agriculture

3. Value addition to agricultural products by efficient storage, handling and processing technologies to make agriculture more remunerative to farmer.


1. To design efficient irrigation water management methods with surface and micro-irrigation methods to overcome water scarcity and inequitable water distribution situation to improve water use efficiency.

2. To reclaim waste lands and problematic lands to increase land productivity by adopting suitable drainage and water technologies

3. To design and manufacture suitable agricultural machinery and implements requited for different soils and crops in the state to reduce the labour requirement and the total cost of cultivation for the farmers and to perform all field operations in time according to the need.

4. To design and develop suitable post-harvest equipment and processed to give value addition to agricultural and horticultural produce to get more price

5. To design process equipment for milk and food products to meet the market requirements

6. To design soil and water conservation, irrigation and drainage structures to preserve the precious natural resources.To design the energy conserving technologies for applications in agriculture using solar, wind and other non-conventional energy sources

4. Programmes Offered

1. Post graduate –M.Tech. (Agril.Engg.)
(2 years) - November, 2006

2. Undergraduate –B.Tech (Agril. Engg.)
(4 years) - August, 1983

5. Name of the Associate Dean Dr. T.V. SATYANARAYANA

General Greenhouse Management

Greenhouse Construction
Climate Control in GH Structures
Greenhouse Management: Soil Sterilization and preparation, cultural practices in flower and vegetable cultivation
Irrigation and Fertigation Technology
Crop Protection
Post Harvest and Marketing

Marketing of Horticultural Produce

Importance and Scope
Post-Harvest and Handling
Marketing Channels
Domestic & Export Marketing : Potential Markets & Procedures
Logistics and Planning
Marketing of Allied Products


Bank of Maharashtra
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists scheme for purchase of various irrigation equipments.
Mahabank Kisan Credit Card scheme for cultivation of crops, meeting the short-term credit needs of farmers.
Farm Mechanisation for Agriculturists scheme for Purchase of Tractors/Power tillers, Harvesters, Threshers & other farm
Animal Husbandry scheme for Purchase of animals, Poultry- Broiler Farm, Layers Farm, Hatchery Sheep/Goat Rearing Construction
of Byre, and Purchase of Machinery Working Capital Requirements under
Scheme for Cultivation of fruit crops-mango, Pomegranate, Grapes etc.
Scheme for providing finance to set up of Agri-Clinics/Agribusiness Centers.
Scheme for Financing Farmers for Purchase of Agricultural land.
Scheme for Financing Two Wheelers to Farmers
Scheme for Providing Loans to Farmers for Purchase of consumer durables
Scheme for Hi-tech projects in agriculture.
Rural Godown Scheme (Gramin Bhandaran Yojana) for scientific storage of agricultural produce.
Minor Irrigation for Agriculturists

Purpose :
Digging of new wells, revitalization of existing well, purchase of oil engine, electric motor, pump set installation of pipe line, sprinkler, irrigation, drip irrigation, tube well, bore well, etc.
Eligibility : Agriculturist who owns agricultural land.
Amount : For new dug wells as per the NABARD Unit costs for equipments/estimates.
Repayment : Depending upon the repaying capacity 7 to 11 years.
Security : Mortgage of land, Hypothecation of movable assets and guarantors.
Other Terms & Conditions :
Proposed well should be located in white watershed area. It should not be in dark watershed area.